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Free Counseling for Compulsive Gamblers and Their Families

Free counseling for compulsive gamblers and their family members is provided through agencies contracted through the Missouri Department of Mental Health. A list of these agencies, along with a complete list of certified compulsive gambling counselors in Missouri, can be found under the "Providers" link below. Call the help line, 1-800-GAMBLER or 1-888-BETSOFF, for more information.

Email a Counselor

Do you have a question about problem or compulsive gambling? Would you like to make an appointment for free treatment from a certified compulsive gambling counselor (Only available to Missouri residents)? E-mail a counselor and start finding the help you need. All e-mails will be answered within 15 hours. If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1.


Entries in red indicate agencies that have contracts to provide gambling services in Missouri at no cost to the consumer and impacted family member(s). The consumer must meet specific admission criteria. Note: Having a contract does not guarantee the agency has a Certified Gambling Disorder Counselor (CGDC) on staff. An asterisk * indicates that a CGDC is available at the specific agency. Interested parties should contact the provider directly to inquire about appointment availability.

Updated by the Division of Behavioral Health, as of December 2024


Adair County

Preferred Family Healthcare
900 E. LaHarpe St.
Kirksville, MO 63501
(660) 665-1962

Shane England

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Buchanan County

Family Guidance Center
901 Felix St.
St. Joseph, MO 64501
(816) 364-1862

Beth Crumpler; Martha Green; Tennyson Clary

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Butler County

*Southeast MO Behaviorial Health
101 S. Main Street
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
(573) 686-5090

Sharon Gholson

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Clay County

Northland Counseling Services
4131 N. Mulberry Dr., Suite 245
Briarcliff Village, 64116
(816) 505-0909

Peter Gunsman (CCGC)

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Dent County

*Southeast MO Behaviorial Health
203 N. Grand
P.O. Box 429
Salem, MO 65560
(573) 729-4103

Sharon Gholson

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Jackson County

*University Health
Truman Medical Center
Center for Recovery and Wellness
2020 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 404-5850

Jordyn Hanson

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Newton County

Ozark Center
1105 E. 32nd St.
Joplin, MO 64804
(417) 347-7730

Mark McDonald, Nichole Jasso

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Nodaway County

*Family Guidance Center
109 E. Summit
Maryville, MO 64468
(660) 582-3139

Beth Crumpler

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St. Francois County

*Southeast MO Behaviorial Health
1103 Weber Road
Farmington, MO 63640
(573) 756-5479

Sharon Gholson

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St. Louis County

*Community Services of Missouri
7231 N. Lindbergh Blvd.
Hazelwood, MO 63041
(636) 441-9002

Robert Conner

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