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2025-03-03 10:32:21.543

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

The Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling, in partnership with the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), recognizes March as Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM). The annual observance provides an essential platform for organizations across the country to highlight the availability of resources that support problem gambling prevention, education, treatment and recovery.

Problem gambling, defined as gambling behaviors that disrupt or damage personal, family or professional lives, affects millions of Americans. Nationally, approximately 2.5 million U.S. adults meet the criteria for a severe gambling problem, with an additional 5 to 8 million individuals experiencing mild to moderate gambling problems.

This year's theme, "Seeking Understanding," focuses on increasing awareness of problem gambling as a serious but often misunderstood mental health condition. The campaign seeks to foster greater awareness and empathy, break down barriers to treatment, and provide support for individuals and families impacted by gambling-related harm.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call the National Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-GAMBLER. Calls made from a Missouri area code are automatically redirected to Missouri based 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633) services. Help is available 24/7/365 – it is free and confidential.

In addition, the Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery each offer a voluntary program for individuals to opt out of legalized gambling activities in Missouri.

Additional problem gambling resources can be found at, and

2024-08-01 12:42:02.277

August is Responsible Gaming Education Month

The Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling recognizes August as Missouri's Responsible Gaming Education Month. The recognition month was first introduced in 2003 to raise awareness about responsible gaming practices, as well as provide information for resources available to individuals or loved ones with a potential gambling problem.

Responsible gaming keeps gambling safe and fun by implementing positive play strategies including: setting time and dollar limits on gambling; viewing gambling simply as another form of entertainment and not a way to make money; understanding the chances of winning; and never borrowing money to gamble.

Gambling responsibly also means recognizing the potential characteristics of problem gambling, so that action can be taken sooner. One of the ways the Alliance increases awareness is through a "Don't Let Gambling Break You" public service announcement, which is designed to help individuals recognize the warning signs of problem gambling.

The Alliance also provides a free help line to connect callers to problem gambling resources in their area. Free help can be accessed by calling 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633), emailing or visiting

In addition, the Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery both offer their own voluntary self-exclusion lists for those who have a gambling problem.

More information about problem gambling concerns and responsible gaming can be found at, and

2024-03-01 09:41:43.97

March 2024: Problem Gambling Awareness Month

Each year, the Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling recognizes March as Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Targeted communication on the dangers of problem gambling, as well as the resources available to obtain help, are provided in collaboration with the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG).

During Problem Gambling Awareness Month, increased media support is used to promote Missouri's 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633) help line, which is maintained by members of the Alliance. Bets Off services can also be accessed by emailing or visiting

Warning signs of a potential gambling problem include:

warning signs

The Alliance, a partnership between the Missouri Gaming Association, Missouri Gaming Commission, Missouri Department of Mental Health, Port Authority of Kansas City and the Missouri Lottery, exists to educate Missourians on the potential characteristics of compulsive gambling, refer those affected to treatment options, prevent underage play and promote responsible gaming.

Additionally, the Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery both offer their own voluntary, self-exclusion lists for problem gamblers.

In recognizing Problem Gambling Awareness Month alongside others throughout the nation, we bring together a wide range of stakeholders, including public health organizations, treatment providers, advocacy groups and gambling operators that work collaboratively to let people know hope and help exist.

More information can be found at,, and

2023-08-07 09:10:31.98

August is Responsible Gaming Education Month

The Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling recognizes August as Responsible Gaming Education month in Missouri. The awareness month originated in 2003 to promote responsible gaming efforts, as well as the resources available to those who develop a problem with gambling.

The goal of Responsible Gaming Education Month is to educate players on the potential characteristics and dangers of problem gambling, as well as positive play habits, so they can keep their play safe and fun. Strategies to keep games of chance from developing into a problem include setting time and budget limits, never borrowing money to gamble and understanding the chances of winning.

In support of Responsible Gaming Education Month, the Missouri Alliance is airing Don't Let Gambling Break You television and public service announcements (PSAs) throughout the month ( The PSAs pose questions designed to help recognize the signs of problem gambling.

The importance of responsible gaming guidelines is bolstered by the results of the 2022 Missouri Gambling Prevalence Study. The study found that 4.1% (200,000) of Missouri citizens meet problem gambling disorder criteria, ranging from mild to severe, while another 20.8% (1 million) are classified as at-risk for developing a gambling disorder.

If gambling is a problem for you or someone you know, it is important to seek help immediately. Free help from licensed professionals is available by calling 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633), emailing or visiting The Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery both offer their own voluntary, self-exclusion lists for problem gamblers. More information about problem gambling concerns and responsible gaming can be found at,, and

2022-08-15 16:25:25.007

August is Responsible Gaming Education Month

The Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling recognizes August as Responsible Gaming Education month in Missouri. The awareness month originated in 2003 to promote responsible gaming efforts, as well as the resources available to those who develop a problem with gambling.

One of the goals of Responsible Gaming Education Month is to educate Missourians on the potential characteristics and dangers of problem gambling, so they can keep their play safe and fun.

In support of Responsible Gaming Education Month, members of the Missouri Alliance will feature social media posts to educate players on the signs of problem gambling and the resources available for help.

If gambling becomes a problem for you or someone you know, free help from licensed professionals is available by calling 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633), emailing or visiting The Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery both offer their own voluntary, self-exclusion lists for problem gamblers. More information about problem gambling concerns and responsible gaming can be found at, and

2022-03-01 14:01:02.113

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

In collaboration with the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), members of the Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling recognize March as Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM). This year’s theme is “Awareness + Action.”

Committed to making sure the public understands the warning signs of problem gambling and – most importantly – the resources available to get help, the Alliance is a partnership between the Missouri Gaming Association, Missouri Gaming Commission, Missouri Department of Mental Health, Port Authority of Kansas City and the Missouri Lottery.

Here in Missouri, free help from licensed professionals can be accessed by calling 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633), emailing or visiting

Additionally, the Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery both offer their own voluntary, self-exclusion lists for problem gamblers.

Approximately two million U.S. adults (1% of the population) are estimated to meet criteria for severe problem gambling. Another 4-6 million (2-3%) meet the criteria for mild or moderate problem gambling. Warning signs include lying to cover up gambling activity and needing to spend more and more money to reach the same level of excitement.

Using the #PGAM2022 hashtag, PGAM brings together a wide range of stakeholders, including public health organizations, treatment providers, advocacy groups and gambling operators that work collaboratively to let people know hope and help exist.

More information can be found at, and

2021-08-02 13:54:32.627

Practice Responsible Play to Keep Gambling Entertaining

The Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling recognizes August as Missouri’s Responsible Gaming Education Month. Each August since 2003, the Missouri Alliance and affiliated gaming operators increase efforts to raise awareness about responsible gambling throughout Missouri and encourage players to refresh their responsible play knowledge.

The goal of responsible gaming is to keep gambling safe and fun by educating players about positive play habits. Strategies to keep games of chance from developing into a problem include setting time and budget limits, never borrowing money to gamble and understanding the odds of the game.

To support the campaign, the Missouri Alliance is airing “Don’t Let Gambling Break You” television and public service announcements (PSAs) throughout the month ( The PSAs advise audiences about the signs of problem gambling.

Free help from licensed professionals can be accessed by calling 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633), emailing or visiting The Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery both offer their own voluntary, self-exclusion lists for problem gamblers. More information about problem gambling concerns and responsible gaming can be found at, and

2021-03-05 10:41:32.33

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

The Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling (Alliance), in collaboration with the National Council on Problem Gambling, dedicates the month of March to raising awareness around the issues surrounding gambling addiction. 

The campaign theme of “Awareness + Action” is all about taking specific action and having conversations about problem gambling issues and directing people to the help they may need. 

According to the NCPG, approximately two million U.S. adults are estimated to meet the criteria for gambling disorder. Using the tagline #AwarenessPlusAction, Problem Gambling Awareness Month (#PGAM2021) is designed to help raise awareness of the prevention, treatment and recovery services available for those adversely affected by gambling. 

To support the campaign and raise awareness around the availability of free help in Missouri, the Alliance will once again be airing a public service announcement (PSA). The PSA will be distributed via radio and TV across the state, and it can be found here

The Alliance hopes to educate Missourians about the signs of problem gambling and the availability of year round, 24/7 help through the 1-888-BETSOFF service.

To access free help from licensed professionals, please call 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633), email or visit The Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery both offer their own voluntary, self-exclusion lists for problem gamblers. More information can be found at, and

2020-08-03 14:49:45.053

Practice Responsible Play to Keep Gambling Entertaining

The Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling recognizes August as Missouri’s Responsible Gaming Education Month. Each August since 2003, the Missouri Alliance and affiliated gaming operators increase efforts to raise awareness about responsible gambling throughout Missouri and encourage players to refresh their responsible play knowledge.

The goal of responsible gaming is to keep gambling safe and fun by educating players about positive play habits. Strategies to keep games of chance from developing into a problem include setting time and budget limits, never borrowing money to gamble and understanding the odds of the game.

To support the campaign, the Missouri Alliance is airing “Don’t Let Gambling Break You” television and public service announcements (PSAs) throughout the month ( The PSAs advise audiences about the signs of problem gambling.  

Free help from licensed professionals can be accessed by calling 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633), emailing or visiting The Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery both offer their own voluntary, self-exclusion lists for problem gamblers. More information about problem gambling concerns and responsible gaming can be found at, and

2020-03-09 09:12:43.513

March is National Problem Gambling Awareness Month

For a 16th year, Missouri contributes "Awareness + Action" to an annual, nationwide effort to raise recognition of problem gambling and inform the public on the availability of prevention, treatment and recovery resources. The Missouri Alliance to Curb Problem Gambling (Alliance) is proud to continue its support of the National Council on Problem Gambling's (NCPG) Problem Gambling Awareness Month.

For many individuals, gambling is a hidden addiction, as there are few outward signs or physical symptoms. However, problem gambling can have major negative mental, social and financial impacts on both the individual suffering the gambling problem as well as their loved ones. According to the NCPG, approximately two million U.S. adults meet the criteria for pathological gambling, while four to six million are considered problem gamblers. 

Problem gambling is a behavior disorder in which an individual has an uncontrollable urge to gamble, characterized by an increasing preoccupation with gambling, a need to bet more money more frequently, "chasing" losses and a loss of control.

To support the campain and raise awareness around the availability of free help in Missouri, the Alliance has created a new public service announcement (PSA). The PSA will be distributed via radio and TV across the state, and it can be found here: The Alliance hopes to educate Missourians about the signs of problem gambling and the availability of year round, 24/7 help through the 1-888-BETSOFF service. 

To access free help from licensed professionals, please call 1-888-BETSOFF (1-888-238-7633), email or visit The Missouri Gaming Commission and the Missouri Lottery both offer their own voluntary, self-exclusion lists for problem gamblers. More information can be found at, and

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